Empower Your Family Through Martial Arts

Welcome to Universal Family Martial Arts

Sifu Eddie Muhammad has over 50 years of experience in the martial arts. Sifu Eddie's journey in the martial arts includes Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Akido, boxing and Gung Fu. Sifu Eddie holds a black belt as an instructor of over 20 years in Wing Chun Do Gung Fu. Sifu Eddie is a student of Sijo James W. DeMile who was the founder of Wing Chun Do Gung Fu street self defense system. Sijo James DeMile was one of the original students of the legendary Bruce Lee and founded the genius system of Wing Chun Do based on his personal experience with Bruce Lee during Lee's early Seattle years.

Universal Family Martial Arts is a safe space for self improvement and self development for men, women and children. UFM students work with an experienced instructor to identify areas of need in order to set and reach goals and work through personal issues. Students are positively encouraged to become the best that they can be. Student learn a martial arts system that serves the individual rather than make the student serve the martial arts system. Student training begins from age 10 and above with no restrictions on upper age limits. UFM instructors work one on one to help the individual student to reach health goals such as weight management, stress management and nutritional guidance for over all well being. Whether young, adult, retired, beginner or advanced martial artist looking to expand your knowledge, skill and versatility this program will benefit you!

Wing Chun Do Martial Arts Training
Wing Chun Do Martial Arts Training
Self Defense Instructor Photo
Self Defense Instructor Photo

About the Instructor

Sigung Rocco Ambrose (Left) Sijo James DeMile (Right) Sifu Eddie Muhammad (Top)
Sigung Rocco Ambrose (Left) Sijo James DeMile (Right) Sifu Eddie Muhammad (Top)
Sigung Rocco Ambrose (Left) Sijo James DeMile (Right) Sifu Eddie Muhammad (Top)
Sifu Eddie Muhammad

Universal Family Martial Arts

Westgate Plaza 4421A Mahoning Avenue Austintown, Ohio 44515

Call 330 559-1007


4:00PM to 5:00PM


Mondays and Wednesdays

I have been training at Universal Family Martial Arts and I feel more confident and empowered than ever before.

Charles Berger


Martial Arts Student
Martial Arts Student